voco® & Congress Center Villach     

voco Villach & Congress Center Villach voco Villach & Congress Center Villach
voco Villach & Congress Center Villach


The Congress Centre Villach (CCV) in conjunction with the 4-star superior hotel voco® Villach is undoubtedly one of the most exclusive congress destinations in Austria. Ideally located in the heart of the city directly on the picturesque banks of the Drau, the hotel and the CCV with its elegant glass façade offer a breathtaking panoramic view of the surrounding mountains. Organisers of conferences and large events with up to 2,000 people appreciate the modern architecture, innovative technology and exquisite gourmet gastronomy. 
With 20 versatile, multifunctional rooms for events, meetings, conferences and congresses, the CCV offers optimum flexibility. The directly adjoining, modernised voco® Villach has 135 rooms and suites, where comfort and quality have top priority. For the entire organisation of your event, a personal contact person is always available to provide you with a smooth and first-class service.

Special features & further information

Unsere Alleinstellungsmerkmale:

  • Direkte Anbindung: Kongresszentrum mit insgesamt 20 verschiedenen Räumlichkeiten (genaue Übersicht im Anhang) und dem 4*S Hotel voco Villach (135 Zimmer & Suiten) direkt am malerischen Drauufer. (+300 Zimmer in Partner Hotels für größere Kongresse)
  • Attraktive Tagungspauschalen ab € 54,00 (halbtags) und € 63,00 (ganztags) sowie Verpflegung auf Hauben-Niveau. (unsere Küche wird besonders oft gelobt)
  • Zentrale Lage im Dreiländereck Österreich, Slowenien und Italien.
  • Atemberaubende Umgebung inmitten Berge & Seen – „vom Anzug in die Badehose“
  • Kongressförderung: In der Höhe von € 7 pro Person/Nacht ab 150 Übernachtungen der Tourismus Region Villach.
  • Nachhaltigkeit: Lizenznehmer für die Veranstaltung von „Green Meetings“ / „Green Events“
  • Nur ein Ansprechpartner für Ihr geplantes Event


Height above sea level in meters 501
Parking spaces available
Number of parking spaces 100
Number of restaurants 1
Sound system / Micro
Internet connection
high voltage current
freight elevator
air conditioning
exterior area
presentation technology
terrace / balcony available
Elevator available
Fixed technology partner
DJ / music system available
Handicapped accessible
E-charging stations
Number of e-charging stations 0
Hybrid meeting possible


(in m)
(in m)
(in m)
Rows of chairsParliamentaryU-FormStandingGala
Josef Resch Saal ---9101060450--350
Gottfried von einem Saal ---533525300--400
Gottfried von einem Saal (Nord) ---265210110--180
Gottfried von einem Saal (Süd) ---252210110--180
Gallery river view---1058050--80
Ingeborg Bachmann ---584025---
Kiki Kogelnik ---584025---
Christine Lavant ---584025---
Drau 1,2,3 (separated) ---65603030-40
Drau 1+2 or 2+3---1301206060-80
Drau 1-3---19518090--120


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Europaplatz 1-2
9500 Villach

voco® & Congress Center Villach     

Need Congress, Event, Golf, Incentive, Meeting, Teambuilding, Workation, Workshop
Location Urban
Number of rooms 135
capacity 1000
max. event area 5000 m2
Room rate 125 - €
Country Austria